Cocktails & Canvases - Diana's private party

How adorable is this group!? Seriously, they were a blast to host. They laughing, singing and were very focused on their paintings. They loved seeing my paintings and learning some techniques. They really didn’t need any help from me but I joined in on the fun as well.

Diana's Cocktails & Canvases - gift bags

This was Diana’s private Cocktails & Canvases which means she had reserved a spot for 6 people and they had a personal event page to register at (password protected and everything). Only her friends could attend this event and although we had a couple last-minute cancellations we had a wonderful time.

Diana is such a sweet friend. She had brought gift bags! Such a crafty woman, and I got a gift too!

Diana's Private Cocktails & Canvases

Diana's private Cocktails & Canvases

After the event, Diana posted this on my Studio Eriksdotter facebook page: “Had an absolutely wonderful afternoon with great friends…Erica is such a terrific host! Anyone looking for a fun way to spend a couple hours with your girlfriends, I highly recommend hosting your own!”

Another private event is coming up this Sunday!

Hi , I’m Erica! Your compassionate pet portrait painter

I’m a 3rd generation painter who has been painting for over 35 years. I’m here to help you find inner peace with custom pet portraits and creative joy through pet pet portrait course.

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