{Mirja’s Bridal Bouquet – original acrylic, 30 x 30 x 1.5 inches.
Learn how easy it is to commission your bridal bouquet here}

You may remember this lovely bridal bouquet from several months ago. Now it’s hanging on a livingroom wall in Sweden being enjoyed by a family of four. How fun!

When it came to picking the background color for this piece, Mirja gave me full range. She didn’t have a “wedding color” or a particular “favorite color.” Instead, she sent me a picture of her livingroom so I could see her color scheme and said “pick whatever fits in.” 

Though the yellowish, sand- and gold-color on the finished piece above was always in the back of my mind when I painted this piece (click here and here to see behind the scenes photos), I still couldn’t decide. That’s when Photoshop sometimes does the trick.

purple? Very pretty, but is it too pretty?

I took a photo of the unfinished bouquet that at this time was on a bare canvas. I then matched the background color with the paint colors I was debating between. Most of the times I can hold up a tube up against the canvas to make a decision, other times I really need to see the “full picture” to be comfortable with my next move.

teal? Too cold for my taste.

goldish? Maybe a little too strong mustardy color.

Well, teal was out of the question right away for me. It had a cold tone I didn’t appreciate. I wanted this piece to be warm and not chilly. It was between purple and gold. Because I had a hard time deciding (but still leaning towards gold though), I sent these two images to Mirja to see what she thought. Gold it was. Not because she didn’t like the purple but because the gold better fit in to their home decor. I agreed.

Here’s the thing. The background color should compliment and add something to the painting. It should also add to the room you are hanging it in. It should be a “wow-factor” for your friends and family and still blend in effortlessly. The background color is there to highlight the flowers and really make them stand out. While doing all of these things, it should also give off the right vibe for the piece. When I work with you to pick the background color, I consider all these things and I often end up going with my gut instinct. It has never failed me.

Commission me to do your bridal bouquet, and you can leave the decisions up to me, like Mirja, or request your wedding or favorite color. Most importantly, we’ll work together and have a great time ensuring all your colors will work together so you will enjoy this piece in your home for a very very long time.

I welcome all questions! Leave a comment or email me at erica@studioeriksdotter.com.


Hi , I’m Erica! Your compassionate pet portrait painter

I’m a 3rd generation painter who has been painting for over 35 years. I’m here to help you find inner peace with custom pet portraits and creative joy through pet pet portrait course.

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