Evans Farm, painting in progress

After a nice 3 week break over the holidays, I picked up the brush recently and started working on the first commission of the year. It took me awhile to get into the groove and I had to start out slow… An hour each evening was all I had in me in the beginning.

This painting was given as a gift certificate to a man turning 80 years old from his son and daughter-in-law. Since, I’ve worked with the birthday boy and his wife to see what they wanted painted. They have a fondness for the historical Evans Farm, so that’s what we decided on – a landscape piece of this very beautiful historical site in McLean, Virginia.

Polar Vortex 2, 2014

So while easing my way back into painting (and getting back to my more hard-core schedule of painting every evening and all weekend finding a better balance between day-job, painting & running the studio, and life), we were hit with the second Polar Vortex of the season. In typical DC style, two days ago we enjoyed 56F/13C, yesterday it snowed all days – big, fluffy snowflakes for more than 12 hours straight, and today we work up to 14F/-10C.

Estelle's Birthday at American Girl

My darling niece, Estelle, turns 5 years old today. We celebrated her with a birthday lunch at American Girl. Of course the dolls came too!

Hi , I’m Erica! Your compassionate pet portrait painter

I’m a 3rd generation painter who has been painting for over 35 years. I’m here to help you find inner peace with custom pet portraits and creative joy through pet pet portrait course.

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