Commission in progress 5

I wrapped up the commission for the beach house in New Jersey, and dropped them off at the Veranda Gallery (were I’m represented in New Haven, NJ) this past Saturday. Casey and I drove up early and spent the day at the beach before making the 4 hour drive home.  But let’s look back at the pieces while in progress.

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With any painting, but especially these big paintings, it’s so nice when you get half-way done. You see the light at the end of the tunnel and you know you’re on the right path.

Commission in progress 13

One Saturday I painted 7 hours in a row, and eventually I saw green. I just had to stop and watched “Pride & Prejudice” for the 12th time to relax and managed to get some good napping in.  I haven’t painted any large pieces like this for over 1,5 years due to some shoulder problems so I’m very proud over the many hours I managed to paint in a row on these pieces. After 4 months with my personal trainer I’m back into it and it was amazing how I could even have a really hard workout and still be able to go home and paint big strokes on a 30×40 inch canvas.

Commission in progress 14

Once I was happy with the pieces, I sent an iphone photo to the client before putting the finishing touches on them.

Commission in progress 16

Love signing my paintings with the simple “Eriksdotter”… a somewhat nervwracking thing to do because if you screw up you got to get the perfect green blend together to paint over and redo it. Luckily I’ve become less picky over the years.

Commission in progress 15

Then it was on to the next commission – a bridal bouquet that’s heading to Manhattan!


Hi , I’m Erica! Your compassionate pet portrait painter

I’m a 3rd generation painter who has been painting for over 35 years. I’m here to help you find inner peace with custom pet portraits and creative joy through pet pet portrait course.

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