Shenandoah 4 Anniversary Hike 4

During a hike in the Shenandoah National Park in celebration of four year anniversary

Unbeknownst to anyone, four years ago we got married at the Fairfax Museum and Visitor Center. We just had the intent of having a civil marriage so we could plan for our wedding in Italy without any legal hassle since I wasn’t (and still isn’t) a U.S. citizen. At the time, I was in the green card process with the company I was working for but it was going in slow motion and without it, I couldn’t start my company or even take on an extra job if someone should happen. It was the credit crisis in the U.S. and people were being laid off left and right. We owned a house together. It was a very grown-up and unsexy decision.

I was surprised when the old man who married us said “repeat after me” as I really thought I was just signing my name on a paper to make it legal. To the beat of a hammer (as some one was putting up a painting in the hall way), we said our “I do’s.”  It was comical. I was so set on saving my emotions for the big day that my mind went into defense mode and I did everything from not blurting out “really? Do I really have to stay if he turns poor?” “You better not get sick”… My family’s response when we shared the news? “That’s so you Erica!!”

Fast forward 4 years and we are of course still together. We are living happily with our two kitties, but we haven’t made it to Italy. I had a chance to be a full-time painter for awhile and my husband was the person who convinced me of doing it. That meant a harder commitment to the budget and going all-in for what I wanted to do. Today, with two full-time jobs and a putting every dime into Studio Eriksdotter it’s just been put, unintentionally, on the back burner.

I’m an independent, strong-minded and hopelessly romantic woman. I believe that you celebrate your love for a reason. I believe you receive tenfold of love from the universe when celebrate your love to each other, when you speak the words and when you laugh and cry together with everyone you love.  I grew up saying I would never marry. I was going to grow old alone. And here I am still dreaming of a romantic surprise proposal, my wedding band, the moment I hear Casey and I pouring out our hearts to each other, and hearing friends and family toast to our love. I want that. My heart aches for all of that. I want a romantic love fest where we celebrate our love for days! Both of us do. And we’ll get there when it’s meant to be. I hope you will be with us on the path of getting there.

Hi , I’m Erica! Your compassionate pet portrait painter

I’m a 3rd generation painter who has been painting for over 35 years. I’m here to help you find inner peace with custom pet portraits and creative joy through pet pet portrait course.

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9 years ago

It is tough being a “practical” romantic. 16 years later we still have not had our wedding.

11 years ago

And we will be there with bells on…sobbing right there with you! Love you both!!