Diana’s Bridal Bouquet


This painting was commissioned by a newlywed. After seeing several of my bouquets come to life online, she knew this was how she wanted to preserve her bouquet. Her one request was to have it in a whimsical style, the rest she left in my artistic hands and she wanted to be totally surprised with how it looked when it was finished. She loved it.

I chose the purple background color to play off of the lavender brushstrokes in the freesia flowers, and for the white roses to really stand out. This was a soft and lovely bouquet and it needed a bolder background color to play off of the client’s personality.

“The bridal bouquet Erica painted for me is stunning. Bouquets are one the one thing from weddings that are so easily lost and this painting not only preserves the memory, but showcases the true beauty and elegance it represented on my wedding day. I can’t thank Erica enough for the time and effort she invested in this painting. She is an extremely talented artist, and a caring and thoughtful person.”

– D.M. of Virginia

Medium: Acrylic on canvas. Sealed with matte varnish for protection.
18 x 18 inches (46 x 46 cm)